Friday, September 27, 2013


Cancer diagnosis? Get 2nd 3rd 4th Opinion

The important point to remember is to do your research of doctors and hospitals.

There are a number of very good hospitals out there, and also some very good cancer doctors. However, speaking to one doctor, and placing your trust in one hospital before you explore options, is not a good idea. It is very important at the early stage of the cancer patient's treatment to know which doctor and which hospital to begin with.

This research may take time, but it will be the best time for the cancer patient because the right treatment in the beginning may save that patient's life.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


This blog is about cancer treatment and how an individual facing cancer may deal with it.It will  provide information of a general nature to help you or a loved one deal with cancer and cancer treatment.
It will provide expert information about cancer, new developments, and new treatments from expert oncologists to help guide you through the maze of cancer information so that you have a greater understanding of the disease you are dealing with.Hopefully, the information will save the life of a loved one.

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