Saturday, March 3, 2018

Performing biopsies or use of ovarian cancer fluid to determine correct chemo usage

Performing biopsies or use of ovarian cancer fluid to determine correct chemo usage.

I am repeating this post because of its importance in determining the correct chemo usage. Cancers are especially complex, and many cancers are individual and not often match other type cancers.

Consequently, it is difficult for doctors to determine what chemo treatment will work on any particular cancer. Past experience with various chemo treatment usually allows doctors to make the best choice as to which chemo will work on any particular cancer.

If biopsies prove too invasive to determine what chemo to use on any ovarian cancer, then a safe alternative would be the use of cancer fluid which builds up in the abdominal cavity and contains sufficient cancer cells to experiment with different chemicals in the lab.

In fact, usually labs can better utilize cancer fluid over biopsy tissue  because there is a larger quantity of it for them to apply various chemicals, of course to determine which chemical will kill off the particular cancer of a patient.

The Weisenthal Lab was able to test thirty chemicals on Anita Cino's cancer  by having available to them over two liters of cancer fluid drained from her abdominal cavity by radiology department at New York University Medical Center.

Be sure to check with your doctor if you are an ovarian cancer patient to see which option is better for you.

Victor Cino

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